April 12, 2012


Migraines and the liver:
There is much talk about the relationship between migraine boxes and gallbladder.
From the standpoint of homeopathic / natural and Chinese medicine, there is a relationship in the metabolism of bile with this severe headache.

In medicine, migraine is defined as a vascular disorder, derived from blood pooling in the head. Most often, this is due to spasm of blood vessels in the area, hence the throbbing pain that worsens with each heartbeat. Other common symptoms are gastrointestinal (malaise, nausea, sometimes vomiting), ocular discomfort (lights, redness, itching) or the need for darkness, silence and rest. Usually treated with analgesics and vasodilators, which normalize the blood circulation to less pain.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) distinguishes different types of headaches, not only in terms of symptoms but particularly in the affected area. The energy meridians
that run through the painful area is key to know which are the organs involved, and act accordingly.

Although several types of headaches, the most common are those involving the temporal area, temples, traveled by the gallbladder meridian, corresponding to the wood element (liver and gallbladder).
In TCM the liver among other things governs the dynamics (movement). Two of the factors that affect hepatic blood flow are the emotional and dietary. The liver has many functions, one of which is to filter the blood, is a detoxifying organ. In TCM, one of the functions of this body is to ensure that the energy (and therefore blood) flow freely. When the liver is overburdened by excessive or inadequate diet, said in a more graphic, if the filter is "saturated", we are not only wrong, it also hinders the flow of energy in general and Liver meridians and Gallbladder in particular, which can cause migraines.

Ganoderma lucidum or Reishi is used in Chinese medicine to combat lamigraña. We know from the Chinese treatises that migraine has its origins in the mismatch or imbalance suffered by the liver and that conditions in some way the irrigation of part of the brain, lack of proper blood supply to an area of ​​the brain caused by the accumulation blood flow elsewhere in the brain, migraine occurs.

the products “ORGANO GOLD" provide relief to people when consumed during the first week of treatment. After 30 days the majority of patients suffering from migraine stop having it. It is recommended that patients continue treatment at least 90 days to more satisfactory results. The rapid action of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components of Ganoderma lucidum, together with the hepato-protective properties and analgesic properties of caffeine from coffee, clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the product and the restoration of the patient. The tips above are only discharges focused on improving your health. We do not recommend that you stop medical treatment if you are experiencing, the insurance specialist will coincide with the measures presented in this article. The withdrawal of the drugs will be progressive and you can overcome in a short time to bother migraine.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for publishing this article. It helped my cousin get a better understanding on how our products work! OG 4 LIFE!!
